How to Share a Reel on Instagram?

Instagram Reels are an engaging way to express yourself and connect with your audience. But did you know you can easily share these creative moments not just on your profile, but also in Stories, with friends, or even on other platforms? We will unlock the secrets to sharing Reels, opening up new possibilities for engagement and virality.

How to Share a Reel on Instagram?

So, let’s get started and learn how to share a Reel on Instagram! All you need is your phone and a little creativity.

Read More: How to Add Link to Instagram Reels?

How to Share Someone’s Reels on Instagram Story?

Sharing someone’s Reels on your Instagram Story is a straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

How to Share Someone's Reels on Instagram Story

Find the Reel you want to share: Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Reel you wish to share. 

You can do this by either scrolling through your feed, exploring the Reels tab, or visiting the profile of the user who posted the Reel.

Tap the Paper Airplane icon: Below the Reel, you will see various icons including a Paper Airplane icon. Tap on it. This will open a menu with different options for sharing.

Select “Add to Your Story”: In the menu that pops up after tapping the Paper Airplane icon, you will see options like “Send to,” “Copy Link,” and “Add to Your Story.” Tap on “Add to Your Story.” 

Customize your Story: Once you select “Add to Your Story,” Instagram will open your Story editor. Here, you can customize the Reel post before sharing it to your Story. You can add text, stickers, drawings, or any other creative elements you want.

Share to Your Story: After you have finished customizing your Story, tap on the “Your Story” button at the bottom of the screen. This will share the Reel post to your Instagram Story.

(Optional) Tag the original creator: If you want to give credit to the original creator of the Reel, you can tag their Instagram profile in your Story. 

To do this, tap on the sticker icon (the square smiley face icon at the top of the screen) and select the “@Mention” sticker. Type in the username of the original creator and place the sticker on your Story.

Post Your Story: Once you have customized your Story and tagged the original creator (if desired), tap on the “Your Story” button again to post it. Your Story will now be visible to your followers, and anyone who views it can swipe up to watch the shared Reel.

How to Share a Reel on Instagram DM?

There are two ways to share a Reel on Instagram DM:

1. Sharing Reels you created:

  • Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Reel you want to share.
  • Tap the “…” icon (three dots) located on the bottom right corner of the Reel.
  • A menu will pop up. Choose “Share to.”
  • Select “Direct Message” from the list of options.
  • Choose the recipient(s) you want to send the Reel to. You can search for specific users or select from your recent chats.
  • Optionally, add a message to accompany the Reel before tapping “Send.”

2. Sharing Reels created by others:

  • Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Reel you want to share.
  • Tap the paper airplane icon located on the bottom right corner of the Reel.
  • A menu will pop up. Choose “Direct Message” from the list of options.
  • Choose the recipient(s) you want to send the Reel to. You can search for specific users or select from your recent chats.
  • Optionally, add a message to accompany the Reel before tapping “Send.”

READ MORE: How to Add Follow Button on Instagram Reels?

How to Share Reels on Instagram Story Without Posting?

There are a few ways to share Reels on your Instagram Story without actually posting them to your feed:

How to Share Reels on Instagram Story Without Posting

Sharing someone else’s Reel:

  • Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Reel you want to share.
  • Tap the Share button below the Reel.
  • Select “Add to Story”.
  • You can edit the Reel clip in your Story by adding text, stickers, drawings, etc.
  • Tap “Your Story” to share the Reel clip in your Story.

Sharing your own Reel without posting to your feed:

  • Create your Reel and go to the final sharing screen.
  • Before tapping “Share,” look for the toggle switch under “Share to Feed.”
  • Make sure the toggle switch is turned OFF.
  • Then tap “Share.”
  • Select “Add to Story” and customize it as desired before sharing.

How to Share a Reel on Instagram to Facebook?

There are two main ways to share an Instagram Reel on Facebook:

How to Share a Reel on Instagram to Facebook?

Sharing directly from Instagram:

  1. Before posting your Reel:
    • Open the Instagram app and create your Reel.
    • In the sharing screen, before tapping “Share,” toggle on the “Share to Facebook” option.
    • Choose whether you want to share this Reel only or all future Reels to Facebook.
    • Tap “Share.”
  2. After posting your Reel:
    • Open the Reel you want to share on your profile.
    • Tap the three dots menu (•••) in the bottom right corner.
    • Select “Share.”
    • Choose “Facebook Feed” or “Facebook Story.”
    • You can customize your post with a caption and privacy settings before sharing.

READ MORE: How to Archive Instagram Reels?

How to Share Private Account Reels on Instagram Story?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to share a private account Reel on your Instagram Story if you weren’t tagged in it. A private Reel is accessible only to the account owner’s approved followers.

Here are some alternatives, depending on your goal:

1. Ask the Reel creator to tag you: This is the simplest solution if you are on friendly terms with the creator. If they tag you, you will have the option to share the Reel to your Story directly.

2. Record the Reel: If the Reel content allows, you can simply record it directly from your phone while it plays. However, this method captures the entire screen, including any notifications or bars, and the quality might not be as good as the original.

3. Download the Reel (third-party apps): Several third-party apps claim to download Reels, but be cautious. Downloading content that violates privacy settings might be against Instagram’s terms and potentially risky. Use these apps with discretion and at your own risk.

Final Words

In summary, sharing a reel on Instagram is easy and can help you get noticed by more people. Just make sure your video is interesting, add hashtags to help others find it, and use Instagram’s editing tools to make it look nice. Don’t forget to interact with your followers by liking and replying to their comments. This can help your reel reach even more people and make your Instagram account more popular.

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