How to Know If Someone Hide Their Story From You On Instagram?

You know that feeling when you are scrolling through Instagram and you wonder if there is more to the story. Well, guess what? We are about to dive into a mystery: How can you figure out if someone has hidden their story from you? Get ready, because we’re about to uncover the secrets of Instagram’s story game.

How to Know If Someone Hide Their Story From You On Instagram

Think of Instagram like a big puzzle, with each piece being a story. Sometimes, though, people hide a piece or two from certain eyes. It could be a friend, a crush, or someone else. But don’t worry, we’ve got tricks to help you find those hidden stories.

We’re going to explore stuff like who interacts with whose posts, who’s viewing whose stories, and some clever tech stuff. By putting all these clues together, you will be a story detective in no time. 

So, if you have ever wondered how to know if someone hide their story from you on Instagram and what’s really going on behind the scenes of Instagram stories, get ready to learn how to uncover the hidden tales and shine a light on those pixels!

Quick Answer:

Determining if someone has hidden their Instagram story from you can be challenging due to the lack of direct notifications. However, there are a few methods to gather clues and make an informed guess:

  • Check their Instagram highlights.
  • Ask a mutual follower.
  • Create a secondary Instagram account.

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If Someone Hides Their Story On Instagram Can You See Their Highlights?

No, you cannot see the highlights of someone who has hidden their story from you on Instagram. Hiding someone from seeing your story is a privacy setting that prevents them from seeing the disappearing photos and videos that you post in your story. It does not affect the highlights section on your profile.

Highlights are stories that you save to your profile so that people can view them even after they disappear from your story feed. When you hide someone from seeing your story, they will not be able to see the highlights that you create from those stories.

There are two ways to hide someone from seeing your story on Instagram:

  • The “Hide story from” list: This is a list of people who will not be able to see your stories, even if they are your followers. To add someone to this list, go to your profile, tap the three lines in the top right corner, and select “Settings.” Then, tap “Privacy,” “Story,” and “Hide story from.” You can then add the people you want to hide your stories from.
  • The “Close friends” list: This is a list of people who can see all of your stories, even if you have hidden them from other people. To add someone to this list, go to your profile, tap the three lines in the top right corner, and select “Settings.” Then, tap “Privacy,” “Story,” and “Close friends.” You can then add the people you want to add to your close friends list.

How to Mute Someone On Instagram?

There are two ways to mute someone on Instagram:

How to Know If Someone Hide Their Story From You On Instagram
  1. From the person’s profile:
    • Open the Instagram app and go to the person’s profile you want to mute.
    • Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the profile.
    • Select Mute.
    • In the Mute menu, you can choose to mute their Posts, Stories, or Both.
  2. From a post or story:
    • Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post or story.
    • Select Hide.
    • In the Hide menu, select Mute [Person’s name].
    • In the Mute menu, you can choose to mute their Posts, Stories, or Both.

Here are some things to keep in mind when muting someone on Instagram:

  • Muting someone does not unfollow them. They will still be able to see your posts and stories, and you will still be able to see theirs.
  • Muting someone does not block them. They will still be able to send you messages and other notifications.
  • Muting someone is a one-sided action. They will not be notified that you have muted them.

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How to Know If Someone Muted You On Instagram?

There is no surefire way to know if someone has muted you on Instagram. However, there are a few things you can look for that may be a sign.

  • They no longer like or comment on your posts. If someone used to be active on your posts, but has suddenly stopped liking or commenting, it’s possible they have muted you.
  • They don’t view your stories. If you post a story and they don’t show up in the viewers list, it’s possible they have muted your stories.
  • You can’t see their activity status. If you go to their profile and you can’t see when they were last active, it’s possible they have muted you.
  • They are still following you, but you don’t see their posts in your feed. This is the most obvious sign that someone has muted you.
How to Know If Someone Hide Their Story From You On Instagram

It is important to note that these are just signs, and they don’t necessarily mean that someone has muted you. It is also possible that they have simply stopped using Instagram, or that they have changed their settings so that they don’t see your posts in their feed.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You On Instagram?

There are a few ways to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram.

  1. Search for their username: If you can’t find their username in the search bar, it’s a good indication that you’ve been blocked.
  2. Visit their profile: If you can’t see their profile at all, or if you see a message that says “Sorry, this page isn’t available,” it is also a sign that you’ve been blocked.
  3. Check their posts: If you can’t see their posts, even if you’re following them, it is possible that they’ve blocked you.
  4. Check your DMs: If you can’t send them a direct message, it’s another sign that you’ve been blocked.
  5. Log out of your account and try again: If you are still not sure, log out of your account and try searching for their username or visiting their profile. If you can see their profile now, it is likely that you were blocked but they have since unblocked you.

It is important to note that Instagram does not send any notifications when someone blocks you. So, if you are not sure if you have been blocked, the only way to know for sure is to try the methods above.

What Happens When Someone Hides Their Story From You On Instagram?

When someone hides their story from you on Instagram, you will not be able to see it in your Story tray. You will also not be notified that they have hidden their story from you.

Here are the two ways someone can hide their story from you on Instagram:

How to Know If Someone Hide Their Story From You On Instagram
  • Close Friends: This is a list of people that the user has hand-picked to see their stories. If you are not on the Close Friends list, you will not be able to see the stories that are posted to it.
  • Privacy Settings: The user can choose to hide their stories from specific people by going to their profile and tapping on the “Settings” icon. From there, they can select “Story Settings” and then choose the people they want to hide their stories from.

If someone hides their story from you, they will still be able to see your stories. Hiding a story is not the same as blocking someone. Blocking someone prevents them from seeing your profile, posts, and stories.

Here are some ways to know if someone has hidden their story from you on Instagram:

  • Check the Story tray: If the person’s story does not appear in your Story tray, it is possible that they have hidden it from you.
  • Look for the “Close Friends” icon: If the person has a Close Friends story, there will be a green circle with a star in it next to their name. If you are not on the Close Friends list, you will not be able to see this story.
  • Ask a mutual friend: If you know someone else who follows the person, you can ask them if they can see the person’s story.

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Final Words

In simple terms, figuring out if someone has hidden their Instagram story from you involves paying attention to a few things. If you notice that you can’t see their stories but others can, it might be a clue. You can also ask a friend who follows them to check if they see the stories. Sometimes, changes in how they interact with you might indicate something’s up. 

Remember though, there could be different reasons why you can’t see their stories, so it’s good to be sure before jumping to conclusions. Being open and respectful when using social media is always a good approach.


Can you see if someone hides their Instagram story?

No, you cannot see if someone hides their Instagram story from you. If a user has hidden their story from you, you will not see the story in your feed, and you will not be able to see it by going to their profile.

Why can’t I see someone’s Instagram story?

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see someone’s Instagram story:
1 The user may have hidden their story from you.
2 The user may have blocked you.
3 You may have accidentally muted the user’s stories.
4 The user may have set their story to “Close Friends” only.
5 You may not have updated your Instagram app to the latest version.

Why can’t I see someone’s Instagram story when I’m not blocked?

If you are not blocked by the user and you are still unable to see their story, it is possible that they have muted your stories. When you mute someone’s stories, you will no longer see their stories in your feed, but you will still be able to see their posts and highlights.

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