How to Do a Joint Post on Instagram?

“Taking Instagram to the Next Level: A Beginner’s Guide to Joint Posts”

How to Do a Joint Post on Instagram

If you are looking to make your Instagram posts even cooler, we have got something exciting for you: joint posts! Imagine teaming up with a friend to create super awesome posts together. It is like a tag team of creativity that can make your posts reach more people and get them to really like what you share.

So, forget about posting alone for a moment. We are here to show you the ropes of joint posts. Whether you are just starting out on Instagram or you are already pretty popular, learn how to do a joint post on Instagram and add a whole new spark to your account.

Quick Answer:

To create a joint post on Instagram:

  1. Create a new post.
  2. Upload your content.
  3. Invite a collaborator.
  4. Send the invitation.
  5. Review and publish the post.

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How to Do a Joint Post On Instagram 2024

Collaborative Instagram posts, also known as joint posts, are an exciting way to team up with others and create engaging content that captures the attention of a wider audience. 

Whether you are partnering with a friend, influencer, or brand, here’s how to craft an impactful joint post:

How to Do a Joint Post on Instagram

1. Find the Right Partner

Choose someone whose content aligns with yours and complements your style. This could be a friend, fellow creator, or even a brand that shares your values. Look for common themes or interests that will make your joint post feel cohesive.

2. Plan Your Concept Together

Brainstorm ideas with your partner to come up with a concept that reflects both of your personalities. Whether it’s a photo, video, or carousel post, make sure it’s something you’re both excited about.

3. Coordinate Aesthetics

Discuss the visual elements of your post, such as colors, filters, and overall style. Strive for a harmonious look that seamlessly blends both your aesthetics. Consistency is key to creating an appealing joint post.

4. Create the Content

Depending on your concept, create the content together or separately. If you’re taking photos or videos, ensure they match in terms of quality and vibe. Make sure to capture shots that highlight both of you equally.

5. Combine Efforts

Use image or video editing tools to combine your content into a single post. You can create a collage, a split-screen effect, or simply alternate between your content. Apps like Canva, Adobe Spark, or even Instagram’s Layout app can be helpful for this step.

6. Craft a Compelling Caption

Write a caption that tells the story behind the post and explains why you collaborated. Make it engaging and include relevant hashtags to expand your reach. Encourage your audiences to interact and engage with the post.

7. Tag and Mention

Tag your partner’s Instagram handle in both the caption and the post itself. This ensures that their followers will see the post, and it’s a way to give credit for their contribution.

8. Engage with your Audiences

Once the joint post is live, stay engaged with the comments and messages that come in. Respond to your followers and your partner’s followers to encourage conversations and interactions.

9. Share on Stories

Both you and your partner should share the joint post on your Instagram Stories. This provides an additional way for your audiences to discover the collaboration.

10. Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the engagement metrics of the joint post. Look at likes, comments, shares, and new followers gained. This will help you assess the impact of your collaboration and plan future joint posts.

Joint posts on Instagram are a fantastic way to create memorable content, connect with new audiences, and foster collaborations that can open doors to exciting opportunities. So, grab a creative partner and start making your collaborative Instagram magic today!

Joint Post On Instagram After Posting

After posting on Instagram, you cannot do a joint post. Using Instagram’s Collab feature, you can invite another account to collaborate on a post before it is published. The collaborator cannot be added after the post has been published.

To do a joint post on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and create a new post.
  2. Tap on the “Tag people” option.
  3. Tap on “Invite collaborator”.
  4. Search for the account you want to collaborate with and tap on their profile.
  5. The collaborator will receive a notification of your request. Once they accept, the post will be shared on both of your profiles.

A collaborator cannot be added to a photo or video you have already posted. It will be necessary for you to delete the post and create a new one.

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Here are Some Tips for Doing a Joint Post on Instagram:

  • Please make sure you are both on the same page regarding the post’s content.
  • Make sure your captions and hashtags are coordinated.
  • Share the post on both of your social media accounts.
  • Comment on and respond to each other’s comments.

Joint Post On Instagram Private Account

Here are the steps on how to do a joint post on Instagram private account:

  1. Open Instagram and go to the profile of the person you want to collaborate with.
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner and select Collaborate.
  3. If the other person has a public account, you will see the option to invite them as a collaborator. If they have a private account, you will see the option to send them a message.
  4. If you choose to invite them as a collaborator, they will receive a notification and can accept or decline your invitation.
  5. Once they have accepted your invitation, the post will appear on both of your profiles.

If you are doing a joint post on a private account, keep these things in mind:

  • To invite someone to collaborate with you, you need to follow them first.
  • You cannot share a post with someone who has a private account unless you follow their followers as well.
  • You can only collaborate with one other person on a post.

Joint Post On Instagram UK

In the UK, you can do a joint Instagram post by following these steps:

How to Do a Joint Post on Instagram
  1. You can create a new post by opening the Instagram app.
  2. Tap on “Tag people” when you reach the caption screen.
  3. Click on “Invite collaborators”.
  4. To include another Instagram account as a co-author, search for that account.
  5. Tap on the account once you’ve found it.
  6. Your previously chosen account will automatically become a tagged account.
  7. The collaborator has been invited, once you tap ‘Done’, you can share the post.

How Do You Make A Joint Instagram Account?

The Instagram platform does not officially support multiple users on the same account, but you can make a joint Instagram account using a few workarounds.

Option 1: Create a Business Account and Add Users as Editors

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner and select “Settings”.
  3. Tap “Account” and then “Switch to Professional Account”.
  4. Follow the instructions to create a business account.
  5. Once your account is set up as a business account, you can add other users as editors. To do this, go to “Settings” > “Account” > “Business Management” > “People” > “Add People”.
  6. Enter the email address of the person you want to add as an editor and tap “Send Invite”.

An email with an invitation link will be sent to the person you invited. You will be able to post, comment, and like content once they accept your invitation.

Option 2: Share the Login Credentials

In addition, you can simply share the login credentials with the other person to create a joint Instagram account. Despite being the simplest option, this is not the most secure. Keep your password confidential and choose a strong password.

Option 3: Use a Third-Party App

You can create a joint Instagram account using a few third-party apps. You typically create a separate account that is connected to your main account with these apps. 

How to Do a Joint Post on Instagram

The other person can then log in to the linked account and post, comment, and like content on your main account.

Some of the most popular third-party apps for creating joint Instagram accounts include:

  • Joint Insta
  • Coupler
  • Collab+

Which Option Is Right for You?

The best option for you will depend on your needs and preferences. If you want a secure and official way to create a joint Instagram account, then you should create a business account and add users as editors. 

If you want an easy and quick way to create a joint account, then you can share the login credentials. And if you want more features and flexibility, then you can use a third-party app.

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How To Combine Posts On Instagram?

There are two ways to combine posts on Instagram:

  • Using the Collab Feature

The Collab feature allows you to create a single post that appears on both of your profiles. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. As usual, create a new post.
  2. Tap on Tag People when you get to the caption screen.
  3. Next to the Add Tag button, tap Invite Collaborator.
  4. To collaborate with an account, use the search field.
  5. The post will appear on both of your profiles once the person accepts your invitation.
  • Using Layout

The Layout app is a third-party app that allows you to combine multiple photos into a single post. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Layout app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app and select the photos you want to combine.
  3. Choose a layout for your photos.
  4. Edit the photos as desired.
  5. Once you’re happy with your creation, share it on Instagram.

Why Can’t I Do A Joint Post On Instagram?

Instagram might not allow you to do joint posts for a few reasons. There are a number of possible reasons for this:

why cannot i do a joint post on Instagram
  • The account you are trying to collaborate with has its tags turned off. This means that they have chosen not to allow other accounts to tag them in posts.
  • The account you are trying to collaborate with has a private account. You can only collaborate with public accounts. 
  • You are trying to collaborate with an account that you do not follow. If you are not following an account, you will not be able to invite them to collaborate on a post.
  • You have already reached the maximum number of collaborators for your account. You can only collaborate with up to 30 other accounts per post.
  • There is a technical glitch with Instagram. Sometimes, there are technical glitches that can prevent you from doing a joint post. If you are sure that none of the above reasons apply, try again later or contact Instagram support for help.

Final Words

Creating a joint post on Instagram involves seamless collaboration and thoughtful execution. To begin, choose a compatible partner whose content aligns with your brand or message. Collaboratively brainstorm a captivating concept that effectively leverages both parties’ strengths. 

Prioritize consistent visual aesthetics, employing harmonious filters or styles that unify the post. Craft a compelling caption that showcases each contributor’s voice while conveying the post’s purpose. 

Utilize relevant hashtags and tag each other to maximize reach. Lastly, engage with your audience through genuine responses to comments, fostering a sense of community around the collaborative content. 

By following these steps, a successful joint post can enhance engagement, broaden exposure, and create a lasting impact on the Instagram platform.


How do two people jointly post on Instagram?

To jointly post on Instagram, you can use the Collab feature. Here are the steps:
Create a new post or Reel.
Tap the “+” icon.
Tap “Tag people”.
Tap “Invite collaborator”.
Type the username.

How do couples post the same post on Instagram?

Couples can post the same post on Instagram by using the Collaboration feature or by taking a screenshot of the post and uploading it to their own account.

How many people can do a joint post Instagram?

Up to 50 people can be collaborators on a single Instagram post. However, it is important to note that all collaborators must have public accounts. Private accounts cannot be collaborators.

Can multiple people post to the same Instagram?

No, multiple people cannot post to the same Instagram account. Each Instagram account can only be owned by one person. However, multiple people can be collaborators on a single post, as described above.

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