How to Remove Yourself As an Admin On Facebook?

Our lives have become centered around Facebook in the digital age, where memories are shared, connections are formed, and communities flourish. The responsibilities of being an administrator of a Facebook group or page may have fallen on your shoulders as an active user.

It’s cool to be the boss, but sometimes, you might want a breather or pass the responsibility to someone else. If that’s you, don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

How to Remove Yourself As an Admin On Facebook?

In this simple guide on How to Remove Yourself As an Admin On Facebook, we will show you how to remove yourself as an admin on Meta smoothly. The process is similar to passing the baton during a relay race but with digital components. 

So, if you are ready to take control of your online life again and make sure your group or page keeps rocking, let’s get started on this journey. Your online community is waiting, and we’re here to make sure you leave your admin role gracefully.

Quick Answer

Removing yourself as an admin from a Facebook page is a straightforward process. On a desktop, go to the page’s “Settings” tab, select “Page Roles,” find your name, click the pencil icon, choose “Remove,” and confirm.

On the mobile app, open the page, tap the three dots, select “Edit Page,” choose “Page Roles,” find your name, tap the pencil icon, select “Remove Admin,” and confirm. After removal, you can still view the page but won’t manage it. To transfer admin privileges, add the desired person before removing yourself.

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Step-by-Step Guide

Here are the steps for Remove Yourself As Admin From Facebook Page 2024:

Step 1: Open the Facebook page

Go to the Facebook page where you are an admin. You can do this by going to the page’s URL or by searching for it on Facebook.

Step 2: Click on the Settings tab

In the top right corner of the page, click on the Settings tab.

Step 3: Click on Admins and Editors

Under the General section, click on Admins and Editors.

Step 4: Find your name and click on the three dots

Find your name in the list of admins and editors. Next to your name, click on the three dots.

Step 5: Click on Remove Admin

In the menu that appears, click on Remove Admin.

Step 6: Confirm that you want to remove yourself as an admin

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to remove yourself as an admin. Click on Remove Admin again.

Step 7: Choose who will become the new admin

If you want to choose someone else to be the admin of the page, you can do so in this step. Otherwise, the page will become un-moderated.

Step 8: Click on Save

Once you have chosen who will become the new admin, click on Save.

That’s it! You have successfully removed yourself as an admin on Facebook.

The following are some additional considerations for how to remove myself as admin on Facebook page on iPhone:

  • If you are the only admin of the page, you will not be able to remove yourself as an admin. You will need to transfer ownership of the page to someone else first.
  • If you are removing yourself as an admin because you are no longer affiliated with the page, you should also remove yourself as a follower of the page. This will prevent you from seeing posts from the page in your news feed.

How To Remove Yourself As A Page Admin On Facebook App?

Here are the steps on how to remove yourself as a Page admin on the Facebook app:

How to Remove Yourself As an Admin On Facebook?
  1. Open the Facebook app and go to the Page you want to remove yourself from.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the Page.
  3. Select “Settings”.
  4. Scroll down and tap “Roles”.
  5. Tap your name under “Admins”.
  6. Tap “Remove Admin”.
  7. Confirm that you want to remove yourself as an admin.

If you are the only admin of the Page, you will need to transfer ownership of the Page to another person before you can remove yourself as an admin. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Tap “Transfer Page Ownership”.
  2. Enter the name of the person you want to transfer ownership to.
  3. Tap “Send Transfer Request”.

The person you have chosen to transfer ownership to will need to accept the request before they can become the new admin of the Page.

Once you have removed yourself as an admin of the Page, you will no longer have access to the Page’s settings or content. You will also no longer be able to post or comment on the Page.

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How To Remove Myself As Admin On Facebook Page Without Password?

If you are an admin of a Facebook Page and want to remove yourself without a password, you can try the following steps. Here is the step-by-step guide on remove admin from Facebook page:

Log in to Facebook: You will need to log in to your personal Facebook account if you aren’t already logged in.

Access the Page: Go to the Facebook Page you want to remove yourself as an admin from.

Click on “Settings”: In the top right corner of the Page, click on the “Settings” option.

Navigate to “Page Roles”: On the left-hand side, you’ll see a menu. Click on “Page Roles.”

Find Your Name: Scroll down to the “Existing Page Roles” section to see a list of current admins for the Page. Your name should be there since you are an admin.

Remove Yourself: Next to your name, you should see the option to “Edit” your role. Click on “Edit.”

Change Your Role: In the pop-up window, you can change your role from “Admin” to “Editor,” “Moderator,” or “Analyst.” Choose the role you want.

Confirm Changes: After selecting the new role, you may need to enter your Facebook password to confirm the changes.

Click “Save Changes”: Once you’ve confirmed the changes, click the “Save Changes” button.

Review Changes: Facebook will ask you to review the changes you have made. Confirm that you want to change your role.

By following these steps, you should be able to remove admin from the Facebook business page without needing the password specifically for that Page. 

Please note that you cannot remove yourself as the sole admin of a Page. In such cases, you will need to add another admin first and then follow these steps.

How To Remove Yourself As An Admin On Facebook Group?

Here are the steps on how to remove yourself as an admin on a Facebook group:

How to Remove Yourself As an Admin On Facebook?
  1. Go to the group’s page.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Manage Group”.
  4. Click the “Admins” tab.
  5. Click your name.
  6. Click “Remove Admin”.
  7. Click “Remove” to confirm.

If you are the only admin of the group, you will need to transfer ownership of the group to another member before you can remove yourself as an admin. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the group’s page.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Manage Group”.
  4. Click the “Settings” tab.
  5. Scroll down to the “Group Admins” section.
  6. Click “Transfer Ownership”.
  7. Select the member you want to transfer ownership to.
  8. Click “Transfer Ownership”.

Once you have removed yourself as an admin, you will no longer have any permissions to manage the group.

I Can’t Remove Myself As Admin On Facebook?

You can’t remove yourself as an admin of a Facebook page if you are the only admin. This is because every Facebook page must have at least one admin. 

If you want to leave the page, you can either transfer ownership to another admin or delete the page altogether.

To transfer ownership of the page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page and click on the Settings tab.
  2. Click on Page Roles.
  3. Click on the name of the person you want to transfer ownership to.
  4. Click on the Make Admin button.

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Final Words

In conclusion, if you want to stop being an admin on Facebook, it’s not too hard. First, make sure there’s another trusted person who can do the admin stuff. Then, go to the settings of the Facebook Page or Group you are an admin of. 

Look for something called “Page Roles” or “Group Settings.” You’ll see your name next to the admin role, just click on it and choose “Remove.” Facebook might change how things look, so check their official help center for the latest instructions.


Can I delete my admin account?

Yes, you can delete your admin account. However, it is not recommended to do so unless you have another admin account that you can use to manage your computer. Deleting the admin account will prevent you from making changes to system settings, installing software, or troubleshooting problems.

Who can remove admin?

Any user with administrator privileges can remove the admin account. This includes the built-in administrator account, which is created when you install Windows.

Why can’t I delete my administrator account?

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to delete your administrator account. One possibility is that you are not logged in as an administrator. Another possibility is that the account is protected by a password.

Can you delete admin account without password?

No, you cannot delete the admin account without the password. The password is required to authenticate the user and confirm that they have the right to delete the account.

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